Background Casting

Are you interested in appearing in a Synthetic Cinema film? Here’s how to get involved:

  1. We routinely post background opportunities on our facebook group:
  2. You can sign up for our background casting notification mailing list:
  3. Visit this page. If we are currently casting, specific instructions will appear below:

StageOne is currently casting for a Christmas movie shooting in Eastern Connecticut in May, 2022.

  • Seeking non-union actors of all ages & ethnicities.

Please visit  to apply.

Covid testing will be required and the production will follow strict safety protocols. Proof of vaccination is mandatory.

Please note that this is a submission only. You are not booked until you have been confirmed from casting. Employment will be contingent upon a negative covid-19 test prior to work, proof of vaccination against Covid-19, and agreement to SAG-approved covid19 safety protocols.


  1. What are background roles?
    Background roles are non-speaking roles. Background actors populate the world. Background actors are directed and given tasks and actions, but pantomime speaking and do everything silently so that dialog can be recorded.
  2. Who is eligible?
    Anyone is eligible, but we strongly prefer locals (CT, MA, RI, NY residents if we are shooting in Connecticut.) Specifics vary project to project for roles, age cutoffs, etc..
  3. Are background roles union?
    This varies project to project. Many of our projects are SAG-AFTRA and are therefore seeking SAG-AFTRA members. However, even in these cases there are often non-union background opportunities. Union needs will always be specified and union actors will always be given priority for union roles.
  4. Are background roles paid?
    All union roles are paid according to union rates. Non-union roles are generally volunteer / unpaid, but sometimes are paid if specifically stated as paid.
  5. Will there be food?
    Yes, we provide meals to our background. However, we eat on the production schedule, which may not align with the time you’re used to eating. Lunch is typically served 6 hours after call. Snacks will be provided in between.
  6. When can I expect to hear back?
    Submission does not guarantee a reply. We apologize that we can’t answer everyone. However, you will hear from us if we need more information or are considering you for a role. Casting will be ongoing through the shoot dates provided and you might hear from us at any time up to and including the shoot dates.
  7. What is the time commitment?
    It varies project to project, but typically we cast background actors for one day of work. A movie shoot day runs for 12 hours, but you may be needed for only a single scene. We ask that you be prepared to stay for 12 hours. Bring a book! There is inevitably a lot of waiting involved.
  8. Is this how I apply for speaking roles?
    No, it isn’t. Speaking roles are typically cast via a casting director and ads will appear via breakdown services and other trade publications. We occasionally will post for speaking roles on our site.
  9. What will I need to bring?
    We will tell you specifics prior to any appearance, but you can expect to want to bring yourself, clothes of the sort we request and a few options for changes, and a book or other activity.